Medical Records FAQs
Q: Do I need to register with Munson prior to scheduling an appointment or utilizing services? If so, how?
A: If you are a Tricare beneficiary that wants to schedule an appointment or utilize Munson’s services, send:
Sponsor Name
Sponsor DOB
Sponsor DOD# / SSN#
to include Name, DOB, and Phone# of any dependent(s), if applicable, to Medical Records: indicating “Patient Registration” in the Subject line or call Medical Records at (913) 684-6605.
If you are concerned about emailing your Personally Identifiable Information that is asked for, save this information in a separate document and password-protect it. Send the document as an email attachment and provide the password to the recipient in a separate email or by phone.
Q: Can dependents register at Munson, or does the sponsor have to?
A: Yes, dependents can register themselves. Registration can be completed virtually via e-mail ( or telephonically, by calling Medical Records
Q: How do Service Members In/Out process?
A: Service Members may in/out process virtually or in person at Medical Records. For Service Members to in/out process virtually, SM must e-mail their orders to Medical Records: indicating “In/Out Processing” in the Subject line. To in/out process Medical Records in person, provide a copy of orders and SM will be cleared from the Installation Support Module (ISM). Medical Records’ hours of operation are M-F 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Q: I am a Service Member retiring, what do I need to do to clear Medical Records?
A: Service Members retiring may either clear virtually or in person at Medical Records. To clear Medical Records virtually, e-mail orders to Medical Records: indicating “Retirement” in the Subject line. To clear in person, provide a copy of orders and visit Medical Records M-F 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Additionally, approximately 6 months prior to your retirement date, you
must submit a request for your full medical record to
Release of Information. E-mail your request
(DD form 2870) along with a copy of your ID to Release of Information: For further information contact Release of Information (913) 684-6747/6205. Release of Information’s hours of operation are M-F 7:30a.m.-4 p.m.
Q: Can my off-post records from a civilian provider be integrated into my electronic health record at Munson?
A: Yes. You may request records directly from your civilian provider. Please complete the DD Form 2870 for off-post records and send request to .
CLICK Here for the DD Form 2870. You may also request records directly from your civilian provider. Your provider may fax records to Medical Records
913-684-6077 or mail to:
Munson Army Health Center
Attn: Medical Records Rm 1B036
550 Pope Ave. Bldg.343
Fort Leavenworth, KS 66027
Q: I am a Service Member/Dependent and would like for my child’s hard copy immunization record to be included in his/her electronic medical record, how would I accomplish this?
A: For your child’s immunization record to become a part of their electronic health record, the hard copy must be brought to the Multiservice Specialty Clinic to be transcribed by a representative.
Q: How do I schedule a line of duty appointment at Munson Army Health Center?
A: Please refer to the appropriate branch below for details. Your line of duty documentation will be added to your electronic health record and a notification will be created to let the appointment line know that you are eligible for a line of duty appointment. The appointment line can be reached at
Army service members must submit the following documents to Medical Records:
DA Form 2173, signed by an O-3 or higher, with medic notes and/or initial medical treatment documents, if available. Documents may be submitted via email to with subject “Line of Duty”, or via fax to (913) 684-6481.
Air Force service members must submit the following documents to Medical Records:
AF Form 348, signed by an O-3 or higher, with medic notes and/or initial medical treatment documents, if available. Documents may be submitted via email to with subject “Line of Duty”, or via fax to
Navy and Marine Corps service members must submit the following documents to Medical Records: a line of duty memorandum (to include details of the incident and affected body part), signed by an O-3 or higher, with medic notes and/or initial medical treatment documents, if available. Documents may be submitted via email to with subject “Line of Duty”, or via fax to (913) 684-6481.
The above instructions are relevant for all
Reserve and National Guard service members as well.
Release of Information FAQs
Q: I am a Service Member/Dependent, how do I virtually request a copy of my full medical record (for Personal use/Continued medical care/School/Insurance/Retirement/Legal purposes) and how long does it typically take?
A: Service Members can request full medical records in person or virtually through Release of Information. To request records virtually, submit a request to Release of Information by completing an Authorization for Disclosure of Medical/Dental Information form
DD 2870. E-mail the completed DD 2870 form along with a copy of your identification card (for verification purposes) to Release of Information: To request records in person, visit Release of Information M-F 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Full record requests typically take 30 days to complete and given on a disk format at no charge to you. Paper format is also available for a 63¢ per page. The disk may be picked up in person or mailed to the ‘Name of person/Organization to receive the information’ listed in section 6 of form DD 2870. Additional copies of disks are $18
Q: Can I access my electronic health record such as immunizations, lab reports/radiology/referral results, or clinic notes online?
A: Yes, these are accessible through the
MHS Genesis Patient Portal. The MHS Genesis Patient Portal went live on April 24, 2021. Migration of historic Electronic Health Records (EHR) prior to the Go-Live date from legacy platforms are continuing to take place. Until the complete migration of all electronic health records, your EHR is still accessible though the
Tricare Online Patient Portal. Be assured, if you are unable to view your complete electronic health record on the MHS Genesis Patient Portal, your EHR has not disappeared, it merely has not yet completely migrated to the new platform.
Q: If I do not have an account on MHS Genesis to access my Patient Portal, how do I retrieve a copy of my immunizations, lab/radiology/referral results, or clinic notes?
A: To receive results such as immunizations, etc. submit a request to Release of Information either in person or virtually. Complete requests require an Authorization for Disclosure of Medical/Dental Information form
DD 2870 and a copy of your identification card (for verification purposes). Virtual requests may be emailed to Release of Information: Please indicate the specific information to be released (immunizations, lab/radiology/referral results, etc.) in section 8 of the DD 2870 form. The requested information will be either faxed or emailed via DoD SAFE, within a few days. In person requests are serviced same day by Release of Information M-F 7:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
How do I retrieve health records needed to accompany my referral consultation?
A. These health records are accessible through the
MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. Patient may fax a request for records to Release of Information at (913) 684-6077, or the patient can request in person at Medical Records.
Q: How do I retrieve results if I am a Service Member in the process of retiring and have already received a copy of my full medical record, but continues to attend medical appointments?
A: These new encounters are accessible through the
MHS Genesis Patient Portal. These encounters may be viewed, downloaded or printed from the MHS Genesis Patient Portal. Alternatively, you can receive updates on a disk by submitting a request to Release of Information. Complete an Authorization for Disclosure of Medical/Dental Information form
DD Form 2870 and submit in person or e-mail the completed form along with a copy of your identification card (for verification purposes) to Release of Information: “Updates only” must be indicated on section 8 of the form.