Located on the 3rd floor of Munson Army Health Center. 7:45 a.m.-4 p.m.
Upon arriving to the clinic please check in with the front desk.
Patients receiving an Immunization are advised not to leave the clinic area for 30 minutes. This also applies to parents of children who are under 18 years of age who have received an injection. Parents cannot leave their children unattended, in case of a possible emergent treatment requiring parental permission.
COVID-19 Vaccination Availability
The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older get an updated COVID-19 vaccine to protect against the potentially serious outcomes of COVID-19 illness.
FDA-approved or authorized COVID-19 vaccines are currently available to all U.S. citizens and residents. Visit the CDC website for more information.
Concerns about the vaccine?
Speak with a Vaccine Expert. You may contact the DHA-Immunization Healthcare Support Center at 877-GET-VACC (877-438-8222) option 1, or Defense Switched Network (DSN) 761-4245, option 1, if you have questions about the vaccines or about an adverse event following vaccination.
Flu Vaccine 2023 Guidance Coming Soon
Active Duty Service Members
Active duty and Guard/Reserve members are required to get the flu vaccine.
When you get a flu vaccine from anywhere besides Munson Army Health Center, follow your Service policy guidance for recording the vaccine in your shot record. You'll need the following information:
- The date the vaccine was given
- The vaccine name or code
- Manufacturer
- Lot number
Other Options for Getting the Flu Vaccine
If you’re unable to get the flu vaccine here, you can visit any participating network pharmacy or TRICARE-authorized (civilian) provider. Visit to learn more.